All you need to know about Matan Hirsch – The Travelling Israeli

Based in Tel Aviv, Matan loves to travel the world and around Israel, capturing moments and places in the camera by his point of view. His favorite place is either the beach or the airport, and he would never say no for a spontaneous adventure. He opened his Instagram page and the “The Travelling Israeli” Blog back in 2017, where he shares his travel experiences from the places he visits.

The idea to sell his photos came almost a decade ago, and in recent years it’s taking shape and allows him to fulfill his dream of traveling the world, taking pictures, selling them to make more money to continue travel, and so on. “Israel Coasters” came to life while he was in a quarantine hotel after a 5-month travel to the Balkans in 2021.

By the end of 2021, Matan has been to almost 50 countries, and his life goal is to make it to 150 of them while working remotely. His top 3 favorite countries are Argentina, Bulgaria and Mexico, and his life moto is: “If you can DREAM it, you can DO it”, by Walt Disney. He believes that money comes and goes, but your travel experiences, the friends you meet (and your photos) stay forever.

When you buy ISRAEL COASTERS, you are not only buying amazing photos of Israel, but you also help making a dream come true. Buy buying the coasters, you help a small entrepreneur and travel blogger in achieving his dream, travel more and develop his business for future products as well. Matan is also the founder of the brand called “TLV Street Signs”.

You can follow his adventures and contact him on:

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Matan with camera